Steve Jobs and his little hobbies

Definitely Apple would not be Apple without Jobs’ little hobbies, but what qualities of Jobs guided his path to success?

  • Perfectionism, for the launch of the first iPod, his Apple collaborators spent the whole night working on replacing the headphone jack because Jobs considered that they did not click in the precise and desirable way.
  • Cold-minded did not regret the decisions he made. He canceled the creation of the Palm Pilot clone because he believed that mobile internet phones would trump pocket computers.
  • Select the best, for the launch of the Apple store chains, Jobs recruited the architect I.M. Pei and Mickey Drexler from Gap to sit on the board of directors of his company.
  • Small teams, Jobs’ obsession also translated into the number of collaborators, since he couldn’t learn more names from his employees.
  • Not paying attention to market research, “people don’t know what they want until you show it to them”
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