The Venezuelan hacker who entered the Pentagon

Rafael Núñez is a computer security professional and an ethical hacker. In 2001, with only 21 years, he managed to fracture the Pentagon servers, paralyzed the page of the United States Air Force. He also removed documents considered secret from NASA with designs related to the next generation of space vehicles.

Four years later, when Núñez was on a business trip and had already forgotten the whole thing, he was arrested at the Miami airport, pleaded guilty to the charges and a few months later he was released from prison.

Today he is a security expert and shows that it is possible for hackers to work for the good of all and not to harm. Núñez has an international certificate called CEH with which he can provide his services to companies and banks to perform penetration exams on his security. He has been interviewed as a security expert in The New York Times, Znet Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, Businessweek and numerous other media worldwide. Rafael is now Editor in Chief of the El Sumario y Doble Llave website, CEO of MásQueDigital, a specialized Digital Marketing company based in Caracas, Venezuela.

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