MacOS Catalina, I regret having installed it!

Last week we decided to update the operating system of our Macs, it is always good to have our equipment updated, and the truth had already been some time since Apple released this MacOS Catalina, so we decided to update all our computers.

Unlike all the other MacOS that I have worked with (since the time they used kittens to name them), in which it was always a simple process, offering performance improvements, important innovations, in order to greatly improve the experience of the user.

This time we find an update that took hours (after downloading the installer), but so far it was not so bad.

After installing the first thing we find is the failure in all those 32-bit applications, which did not affect us much, we simply updated to the 64bit versions. But the serious thing begins here, we update 5 teams, and one of them (incredibly the newest and most powerful) completely collapses. We lost two days reading and researching until finally, after running Clean My Mac we were able to revive the computer, however, while we were doing magic to revive it, another team started crashing out of nowhere, and then repeating the whole process ( at least we already knew what to do). At last, our teams are working, but what a bad taste in our mouth that after all the work to update (and that it worked), there is nothing more new in this MacOS.

As a tip, we can tell you not to update Catalina, at least do a little research on all the bugs it presents, and think about whether it’s really worth updating at this point.

If you decide to install Catalina, we wish you the best of luck, and please tell us about your experience.

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